If payment hasn’t been made yet, choose a Water Testing Package and complete the checkout process. Water Testing Package Choose a water-testing package First name(required) Surname(required) Name of company Email(required) Phone Number(required) Location (Suburb)(required) How did you hear about us? (required) Select one option Internet search Friend or Family Physical shop Social Media Takealot Other Choose several options Yes No Water source Select one option Borehole Bottled Effluent analysis Recreational Spring Tap Other Use of the water Select one option Agriculture Drinking Effluent Recreational Other Choose Sample package Select one option Full – in-house testing (Biological, physical and chemical tests, not SANS 241 accredited) E.coli/coliform (In-house, not SANS 241 accredited) Chemical (In-house, not SANS 241 accredited) Physical – pH, TDS, EC, ORP, Salinity, Specific gravity (In-house, not SANS 241 accredited) SANS 241 accredited (outsourced) SANS 241 Water Testing Packages (Outsourced). You may choose several options Select one option Water leaching plus filtering Filtering (where necessary) (Whatman No 1) Filtering (where necessary) (0,45µm) Redilution (where necessary) pH Conductivity – EC (mS/m) Alkalinity (Total or M) as CaCO3 (endPoint pH 4,5) Ammonia Nitrogen – NH3 (mg/L N) Ammonium Nitrogen (mg/L) NH4 Calcium Hardness (mg/L) (Ca Analysis required additionally) Magnesium Hardness (mg/L) (Mg Analysis required additionally) Total Hardness (mg/L) (Ca and Mg analysis required additionally) Chemical oxygen demand (COD) (mg/L O2) Chloride (mg/L Cl) Chlorine-free (mg/L Cl2) Chlorine – Total (mg/L Cl2) Hexavalent Chromium (mg/L Cr6+) Colour (Hazen colour units) Free Cyanide (mg/L) (to be sampled with NaOH preservation – can be supplied Total Cyanide (mg/L)(including distillation) (to be sampled with NaOH preservation- can be supplied) Total Phosphorus (mg/L P) (including digestion) (Outsourced) (Req Vol 250ml) Fluoride (mg/L F) (Req Vol 250ml) Nitrate Nitrogen (mg/L N) (Req Vol 100ml) Nitrites (mg/L N) (Req Vol 100ml) Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg/L N) (Including digestion) (Outsourced) (Req Vol 500ml) Total Oxidized Nitrogen – Calc TON (NOX) Total Inorganic Nitrogen – Cal TIN Oil and Grease in water (Req Vol 250ml) P – Alkalinity (Req Vol 250ml) (Include Total Alk) Ortho Phosphate – PO4 (mg/L P) (Req Vol 250ml) Settable solids (a minimum of 1 L of sample required) (Req Vol 350ml) Permanganate (Outsourced) Sulphate (mg/L SO4) (Req Vol 350ml) Sulphides (mg/L S2-) (Req Vol 100ml) Total dissolved solids (TDS) (mg/L) (Gravimetric) (Req Vol 100ml) Total dissolved solids (TDS) (mg/L) (from Cond) (Req Vol 250ml) Total suspended solids (TSS)(mg/L) (Req Vol 500ml) Loss on Ignition (LOI) on TDS (Req Vol 500ml) Turbidity (NTU) (Req Vol 250ml) Total Solids (Req Vol 250ml) Bromide (Req Vol 500ml) Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) (Req Vol 500ml) Sludge Volume Index (SVI) Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS) (Req Vol 500ml) Residual Chlorine Formaldehyde (Outsourced) (Req Vol 250ml) Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds including PAH (SVOC) (Outsourced) (Req Vol 500ml) Volatile Organic Compounds including THM/BTEXN (VOC) (Outsourced) (Req Vol 500ml) Biological Oxygen Demand(mg/L BOD5) Methylene Blue Active Substances – LAS (Surfactants mg/L) (Outsource) Dissolved Organic Carbon – DOC (Outsourced) (Req Vol 100ml) Total Organic Carbon – TOC (Outsourced) (Req Vol 100ml) Phenol (mg/L) PCB`s Polychlorinated biphenyl (Outsourced) (Req Vol 250ml) GRO Gasoline Range Organics (Outsourced) (Req Vol 350ml) Poly-aromatic Hydrocarbons – PAH (Outsourced) (Req Vol 250ml) THM`s Trihalomethane (Outsourced) (Req Vol 250ml) Anions and Cations Balance Dissolved Oxygen (DO) (Outsourced) (Req Vol 100ml) LSI – Langerlier (calculation) (pH, Alkalinity, TDS, temp & Ca required) Monochloramine (Outsourced) (Req Vol 100ml) Organic Fingerprinting (Outsourced) (Req 250ml) OCP – Organochlorine Pesticides (Outsourced) (Req Vol 500ml) OPP – Organophosphorous Pesticides (Outsourced) (Req Vol 500ml) O2 – Oxygen Absorbance (Outsourced) Ryzna (calculation) (pH, HCO3, TDS, temp & Ca required) SAR (Sodium Absorption Ratio) (Ca, Mg & Na required) TPH – Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons C10-40 (DRO & GRO) Odour (Outourcd) – Prices subject to change BTEXMN (Outsourced) (Req Vol 500ml) BTEX (Outsourced) (Req Vol 500ml) Multi-Residue Pesticide Screening (LC-MSMS + GC-MSMS) Total Glucose, Sucrose, D-Glucose (Outsourced) – Prices subject to change Particle size distribution Specific gravity Faecal coliform count (MPN/100mL)(Sterile container required) Total coliform count (cfu/100mL)(Sterile container required) E,Coli (cfu/100mL) (Total coliform to be included – compulsory) Heterotrophic Plate Count (cfu/1mL) (sterile container required) Enteric (Cytopathogenic) Viruses (Outsourced) – Prices subject to change Pseudomonas Enumeration (Outsourced) – Prices subject to change Listeria monocytogenes (Outsourced, Detection + Confirmation) – Prices subject to change Listeria monocytogenes presumptive (Outsourced) – Prices subject to change Listeria monocytogenes Confirmation (Outsourced) – Prices subject to change Legionella (Enumeration plus confirmation of the presumptive positive results) (Outsourced) 1 L required – – Prices subject to change Legionella (Detection) (Outsourced) – Prices subject to change Legionella (Confirmation) (Outsourced) – Prices subject to change Sulphate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) (Outsourced) – Prices subject to change Yeasts and Moulds Faecal Streptococcus (Staphylococcus Aureas- detection)(Outsourced) – Prices subject to change Faecal Streptococcus (Staphylococcus Aureas- confirmation)(Outsourced) – Prices subject to change Protozoa parasites (Giardia species & Cryptosporidium Species) – Outsourced – Prices subject to change Giardia species (Outsourced) – Prices subject to change Cryptosporidium Species – Prices subject to change Microcystins (Outsourced) – Prices subject to change Somatic Coliphages (Outsourced) (Req Vol 100mL) – Prices subject to change Salmonella spp (Presumptive) (Outsourced) – Prices subject to change Salmonella spp (Confirmation) (Outsourced) – Prices subject to change Shigella Species (Outsourced) – Prices subject to change Clostridium Perfringens (Outsourced) – Prices subject to change Bacillus cereus (Outsourced) – Prices subject to change Drinking Water Standard Short SANS 241: pH, EC, TDS, Cl, SO4, F, NH3, NO3+NO2, NTU, Colour, Al, B, Ba, U, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Zn, Sb, As, Cd, Cr , Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Hg, Ni, Se, V), E,coli, Tot Colis, HPC, LSI, Total Alk Drinking Water Short SANS241 ex Micro: pH, EC, TDS, Cl, SO4, F, NH3, NO3+NO2, NTU, Colour, ICP-Ca, Mg, K, Na, Zn, Sb, As, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Hg, Ni, Se, V 41954 – Drinking Water Standard FULL SANS 241 (2015): pH, EC, TDS , Cl-, Free Cl-, SO42-, F-, NH3, NO3+NO2, NO3, NO2, NTU, colour, Free CN, Total CN, Monochloramine, TOC, Phenol, THM, Al, As, B, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, U, Zn, E,coli, Total Coli, HPC, Somatic Coliphages, Protozoa, Microcystins – Pricing subject to change DWA Irrigation Requirements: pH, EC, COD, Total Alkalinity, TDS Calc, Faecal Coli, LSI, Ca, Mg, Na, Total Hardness, SAR Full Water purification check: pH, EC, TOC, NO3, 32 Element scan, HPC Short purification check: pH, EC, TOC, NO3, Ca, Mg, Na, Si, HPC Industrial Effluent Package: pH, Cond, TAlk, TSS, COD, NH3, PO4, Cl, SO4, F, Oil, Tot CN, Phenol, 32 element ICP scan on digested samples See ICP section below) – If all are not relevant to a specific industry, please tell us about your industry and we will tailor a quotation for you – Prices subject to change Sewage Effluent Package: pH, EC, COD, TSS, NH3, NO3& NO2, PO4, Fe, Na, Mn, Cl, E,coli, Faecal Coli 41903 Industrial Effluent: pH, EC, COD, TDS, Cl, So4, PO4, Total CN, S2, Phenol, Sugars, Oil & Grease, Na, Fe, Cr, Cu, Zn, As, B, Pb, Se, Ti, Cd, Ni, Hg 41904 Industrial Effluent: pH, EC, COD, TDS, Cl, So4, PO4, Total CN, S2, Phenol, Sugars, Oil & Grease, Na, Fe, Cr, Cu, Zn, As, B, Pb, Se, Ti, Cd, Ni, Hg Sea Discharge Mine Discharge 41806 – Corrosion – pH, EC, Alk, TDS, Ca, Mg, Na, LSI, Ryznar 44168- SANS51008 Concrete water – pH, EC, Alk, Bicarb Alk, TDS, PO4, SO4, Cl, NO3, Ca, Mg, Pb, Zn Natural Pool Water: pH, EC, NH4, Total P, Hardness, NO2, NO3, PO4, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe Digestion for elemental totals ICP- OES – Filtering Water – ICP-OES ( re-calibration included) – 1 – 40 elements Water – ICP-MS ( re-calibration included) – 1 – 39 elements Water – ICP-MS: Heavy metal: ( re-calibration included) – 1-7 elements Water – ICP-MS: Rare earth: Ce, Dy, Er, Eu, Gd, Ho, La, Lu, Nd, Pr, Sm,Tb, Th, Tm, U, Yb & Y Provide instructions for your sample submission e.g. tests required, number of samples, or any question you need clarity on Submit Δ Please leave this field empty DON’T MISS ANY OPPORTUNITIES Be the first to know when something new is happening We don’t spam! 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